This is my self portrait made on paint. Took along time to do it (10 minutes.......... i know long as!!!!!!!................)
Now when me and James do journal writing we write about S.A.K here is a preview:

The S.A.K

Welcome to the S.A.K it sounds a bit strange but if you read it later it’ll tell you what it means.

08/04/09 10:00

“Class, do pages 1-10 in the level too maths book” said Mr Smith

“Don’t you mean two?” said Connor

“Ohh, right” said Mr Smith the Class laughed.

First to finish was Connor then John, Bob, Bill, Ben, Jack, Jason, Jacob, Steve, Ken, Jane, Jill, Jennifer, Sara, Brandon, Mike, Mick, Mitch, Ash, Joe, Chris, Jordon, Gordon, Paige, Adam, Aidan, Miller, Michael, Liam, Jet, Jake, Steven, Kate, Katie, Craig, Kieran, Jim, Ryan, Tristan, Monika, Caitlyn, Caitlin, Jay, Steel, Conor, John B then Cory and James. The bell rang Cory, Connor and James walked out side then a man in a limo yells “James, Cory and Connor, come here.”

We Walk to him

So that is the preview of S.A.K


Ah yes Jackalope now this is a bit of a random story use your imagination and you will understand:

Once upon a time there were five boys:Connor, James, Cory, Jay & Matt they were very bored every interval & lunchtime. They had no sport gear to play with they just sat there all the time.
Until Cory, Connor & James came up with Jackalope.
Where there's a game There's going to be pain!
Where we put ourselves through stunts to calculate pain or Scott free. A test of strength, agility & pain handling!!


For the last two weeks, our class has been focusing on speeches it was really fun but hard.
I went through one speech before i figured what i was going to talk about this is my speech:

Gday bonjour hello & hi in all sorts of other languages that I don’t know or haven’t been invented yet I have now wasted 16 seconds of time right… ok who wants here a joke?... well to bad I’m here for speeching and free food.

On with the speech eh.

Right my speech for you, you and yes you is a speech about speeches! Hmm yeah never saw that coming did ya no

So what does a good speech have?

It has a straight back, LOUD AND CLEAR voice, popular crowd, the power of the force, pleased crowd eyecontact and some good luck

But wait there’s more... I just can’t think of it right now…any who

What does a bad speech have?

Bad posture, shaking hands, stttuttering vvvoice

A very, very quick not understandable voice, bored crowd, distractions-hey did any one watch shortland street last night…any way no disco music, nerdy trousers and negative thought.

Does everybody under stand? I’ll show you any way

By saying this thingamajig twice:

(Good) the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.

(Bad) the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.

Why do we have speeches

Because if we don’t someone’s going to get it.

Nah I’m just pulling your leg we do speeches for popularity points that’s what barra…. I mean Mr. Obama did

He was voted for talking but that’s another story

When do we do speeches: now, political events opening new shops or stores and important stuff.

Who does speeches: well its obvious people dah who else would a kitten?

Ah yes I remember now a good speech has a sense of humor but I didn’t use that I use serious ness, ness, ness

Well that was my speech on speeches.

Mr Dyke

Mr Dyke is my teacher in Room1 Accelerate academy.

Hes is really nice and lets us do lots of stuff from a whole wide range of learning activities
takes us out for games and lots more. my favorite game would have to be flags boys vs girls or year 8's vs year 7's


Hi I'm Cory
My friends are James, Matthew, Connor, Conor, Liam, Jay, Steel & Brendon
I like playing hand ball with my mates.
telling funny jokes and just hanging around.

My hobbies are aikido (self defense version of martial arts)computer work and music
all the parties that we have I'm rated DJ because my step dad doesn't know how to use a CD player. im on the computer most of the time either downloading songs or using msn
i have two brothers and two sisters i have a baby niece named Alia named after the R&B star

My favourite type of music is rock 'n' roll all the way from the 70's to today. My most favourite bands would be puddle of mudd
ac/dc, Santana, nickle back, ZZ top, hell yeah, Frankie goes to Hollywood and Fat Freddie's drop